Monday 9 November 2015


Abate® - Stop disease causing insects before they hatch

Abate larvicide controls malaria and other vector-borne diseases by controlling pests before they reach maturity, preventing them from breeding and spreading disease through new generations of insects.

Abate is a potent larvicide based on the active ingredient temephos that effectively manages a broad spectrum of nuisance and disease-causing insects, such as mosquitoes, before they hatch. While long-lasting insecticidal nets and indoor residual spraying focus on the individual and the household, Abate larvicide takes vector control to the community level.

Why use Abate?

One of the easiest and most effective ways to control mosquitoes and other insects throughout a community is to treat standing water with a larvicide, such as Abate from BASF. In particular local situations, larviciding may greatly enhance the effectiveness of other disease control methods. Abate is based on the active ingredient temephos and is the original and most trusted temephos larvicide. In fact, BASF's own research and development brought this important active ingredient to market. The World Health Organization approvals for temephos are all based upon studies done with Abate.

Approved for treating drinking water

When applied to standing water where mosquitoes and other insects breed, Abate kills the larvae before they develop into mature insects. In effect, it short-circuits the cycle that disseminates the pathogen to humans. Several vector-borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever, may be strongly associated with the domestic storage of drinking water. One option, where there is a significant risk of disease, is to prevent disease vectors from breeding in stored, domestic drinking water. Temephos, the active ingredient in Abate is recommended by the World Health Organization for addition to drinking water.

Fast working, Long lasting

Abate can quickly control mosquito and other insect populations because it kills insect larvae before they mature. The residual activity of Abate then continues to prevent insect populations from returning for weeks. In addition, because Abate is based on a different chemistry to pyrethroid-based methods, it can help prevent, or at least limit, the chance of resistance compromising a long-term vector-control campaign. This benefit makes Abate ideal for use in areas where resistance has already been noted.

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